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Publication Details
- Source
- Category
- Technical Reports
- Publisher
- USAID Paani Program
- Contributor
- WWF Nepal and WWF US
- Rights
- USAID Paani Program
- Language
- English
- Content
- This report aims to explore available data as a basis for better modeling spatial patterns of sediment origins and sediment transport in the rivers of Nepal and how they might be impacted by infrastructure development. A key challenge for evaluating sediment transport rates in the rivers of Nepal is data availability. Most scientific papers and reports are based on evaluating all or sub-sets of the ~20 hydrologic gauging stations where sediment has been measured over the past decades by Nepal’s Department of Hydrometeorology (DHM). Often, different stations on the same river only operated in not-overlapping periods of time, making it hard to effectively constrain river sediment budget. Sometimes, these data by DHM are supplemented with observations that were derived for designing specific engineering projects, e.g., hydropower dams or irrigation projects, even though the poor documentation for many of these data makes them mostly of anecdotal use.